The Bonita Springs City Council has called for a General Election of Municipal Officers, to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in conjunction with the countywide general election. On the 2024 ballot will be the offices of Mayor and City Council Members for Districts 2 and 6.
The general election of Bonita Springs municipal officers occurs in staggered rotation every two years. In
2022, Council Member seats 1, 3, and 5 were on the ballot. Slated for the 2024 ballot are the offices of Mayor and Council
Member seats 2, 4, and 6. In 2019, City Council adopted Ordinance 19-02, which modified the date when general municipal
elections are to be held to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years to coincide with
state and federal general elections.
Pursuant to the City Charter, candidates for municipal elections shall qualify with the City Clerk. Qualifying requirements
include filing proof of residency and all qualifying documents, items, and fees as required by Florida law and the City Charter.
In accordance with the candidacy qualifying schedule established by Florida Statute and implemented by the Lee County
Supervisor of Elections, the qualifying period for 2024 municipal candidates closed at Noon, June 14.
The City Clerk has ascertained that the
candidates listed (alphabetically) have met all qualifying requirements
stipulated in the City Charter and in State of Florida Law, and as such, has provided their names to the Lee County Supervisor
of Elections for placement on the 2024 General Municipal Election ballot.
** See attached document for more information **
Pursuant to the City Charter, the candidate who receives the highest number of votes for the office for which he/she is
running shall be declared elected. Terms of office shall begin on the date that the results are certified by the Lee County
Canvassing Board. Current officials remain in office until a successor is certified as being elected to such office. In the event
of a tie between candidates running for the same office, following a mandatory recount, a runoff election shall be
scheduled. Only the candidates who received the equal number of votes shall be on the ballot of the run-off election.