City Council approved a Master Agreement with Portland State University and adoption of the State-mandated Comprehensive Plan Amendments as determined by the City’s Evaluation and Appraisal Review.
Earlier this year, the City completed its State-required Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR) of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the EAR process, which occurs every seven years, is to determine whether plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements during the cycle. The next step is to draft and adopt the required amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Any desired optional amendments can be processed concurrently with the required amendments.
On July 19, 2023, Council approved the draft scope of work for the scoping, drafting, and adoption of State-mandated Comprehensive Plan Amendments, as well as the scoping of any optional amendments the Council may wish to pursue. After the initial scoping contemplated by the attached Task Order #1, staff will prepare a separate Task Order #2 to provide for the drafting of any desired optional amendments to be included in the final amendment package.
Dr. Banyan will continue to coordinate with FGCU to involve faculty and students throughout the process.