City Council received a presentation from Stantec on the City’s final Wayfinding Signage and Gateway Feature Master Plan
On February 2, 2022, Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting Inc. to
design a Wayfinding Signage and Gateway Feature Master Plan for the City. Similar to the City’s Bicycle
and Pedestrian Master Plan, this master plan will create a road map for future capital improvement
project recommendations.
On February 15, 2023, Council received a presentation and update from Stantec regarding three options
for signage families. Since the Council’s selection, Stantec has produced the technical specifications and
cost estimates for each type of sign, as well as depicted potential locations through out the City for
placemaking features, gateways and monument directories, pedestrian and vehicular wayfinding signage,
public facilities markers, etc.
Stantec will be presenting illustrations of the final signage products. The full Master Plan will be delivered
to the City after incorporating any further feedback from Council at the meeting.