The Bonita Springs Memorial Day Ceremony is an annual service held on Memorial Day to honor those who have died while serving our country. This event is coordinated by the Bonita Springs Veterans Advisory Committee.
During the April 19th City Council meeting, Councilman Fullick stated that he would be requesting a road closure for the duration of the Memorial Day Service to provide a more peaceful and dignified environment in which to conduct the ceremony. Old 41 would be closed from Ragsdale St to Wilson St for the duration of the service (approximately an hour to an hour and a half).
A road closure does require staff to obtain a maintenance of traffic plan, rent barricades, and provide additional staff to securely manage the closure. Staff will also coordinate with Lee County Sheriff’s Office for the closure. Funding is provided for the event within the FY2022-2023 Communication Department budget. Should additional funding be needed for the road closure, funds are provided within the operational contingency line item.