Wildfires in Bonita Springs, Bonita Springs Fire Control and Rescue District 4/10, UPDATE

4/10, 6:30PM UPDATE:
Whew! Thanks to the hard work from local firefighters from multiple Lee County agencies, we’re at 100% containment on the last of our wildfires off Kent Road. Crews of firefighters will continue to monitor the area and will be out again first thing tomorrow morning to ensure everything is completely extinguished.
4/10, 1PM UPDATE:
The South Strike Team of brush trucks are in Bonita Springs assisting Bonita Springs Firefighters and Forestry Firefighters with what we hope is the final push to fully extinguish all hot spots and smoldering stumps. The wildfire by Kent Road is still considered 95% contained. If you don’t live in the area, plan to stay away unless necessary. Large firefighting vehicles are making entry on Kent Road. Additional unnecessary vehicles from bystanders taking pictures make firefighting efforts more complicated.
***If you do not live in the area of Kent Road and Jefferson, please plan to stay away. There have been many bystanders driving around the wildfire area to take pictures. Kent Road is not locked down at the time as a courtesy to neighboring residents, however first responders are making access to the wildfire off Kent Road and access is complicated with additional vehicles in the way. Plan to stay clear of the area.
The fire department is posting updates to their Facebook page www.facebook.com/BSFCRD
For more information about Bonita Springs Fire Control and Rescue District visit www.bonitafire.org