Council has approved a Cooperative Agreement between the City of Bonita Springs and the South Florida Water Management District to develop regional solutions that will serve to further mitigate flooding in south Lee County. The agreement between the City of Bonita Springs and the South Florida Water Management District is intended to further the development of short-term and long-term efforts for flood mitigation, watershed flow, and intergovernmental coordination in south Lee County.
The agreement provides for:
1. Quarterly meetings on south Lee County watersheds
2. District to provide technical expertise and support for proposals and planning for the region
3. District to assist in development of a South Lee County Flood Forecast Model
4. Development of operational guidelines for emergency conveyances and emergency use of pumps
5. Short term focus on:
a. Pursuit of funds for land acquisition to address flooded areas in Bonita Springs
b. The District’s support on modeling, engineering, and planning for a water management project for the CREW/Flint Pen/Larry Kiker Preserve to address flood protection and hydrologic restoration.
6. Original term of 10 years with option to renew upon mutual agreement