
Please note: New FEMA Flood maps will take effect November 17, 2022.  Please check back for updates or contact the City's Floodplain Manager for more information. 

To view the city's 2021-2022 CRS Floodplain Management Plan Annual Progress Report
please click here.


Find My Flood Zone
(Use the search icon and type in your address)
Labels are provided on the map to describe which flood zone each property lies within. Properties shown in blue are located in the 100 year flood zone identified as zones AE and VE. Properties located in the yellowish area are located in the 500 year flood zone identified as zone 0.2% X Zone. Properties that do not have a layer of coloring are located in an area of minimal flood hazard zone  X.  For questions or assistance, please call Community Development at (239) 444-6150.


FloodSmart Official Site – FloodSmart Link
Frequently Asked Questions – FloodSmart Link
How Do I Buy Flood Insurance – FloodSmart Link
Why do you Need Flood Insurance – FloodSmart Link
Understand Your Risks – FloodSmart Link
Find My Flood Zone –FloodSmart Link


The City of Bonita Springs is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) so as to ensure compliant floodplain management measures to provide protection for the residents of the City of Bonita Springs and by agreeing to enforce floodplain regulations, flood insurance becomes available to residents and property owners in the City. For more information, please refer to Ordinance 22-05.

FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) – FEMA Link


Who Needs Them and Why? – FEMA Link

Copies of existing Elevation Certificates are available for download – Community Development

2019 Elevation Certificate and Instructions (You will need to download this PDF as it's too large to view in a browser) – Community Development

Elevation Certificates are very helpful and are used for 2 main reasons:

1) Community Development staff uses elevation certificates to ensure that new construction or substantial improvements to property are compliant with floodplain regulations for minimum building elevation to or above the required Base Flood Elevation.

2) The insurance industry uses elevation certificates to rate your structure for flood insurance. Generally speaking, for each 1 foot above the required Base Flood Elevation your home or business is elevated, you will see a corresponding decrease of nearly 50% in your annual flood insurance premiums. Conversely, for each foot below BFE, your rates will double. Elevating your home can be costly, but this explanation shows how you can save a lot of money in annual flood insurance premiums, while having a safer home or business to enjoy.

HELPFUL LINKSPrepare Yourself

Lee County Public Shelters – Lee County Link
Why Elevation is Important – YouTube
Storm Surge Resources – NOAA Hurricane Center
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program – FEMA
Flood Preparation Safety Brochure – FloodSmart Link

Information on warning, safety, evacuation, and other topics:

Information about flood warning, safety and evacuation

Prepare for Hurricanes

Click on individual links below for additional information:

FEMA NFIP and other Local Flood Mapping Resources

FEMA NFIP: – Flood Preparedness and Flood Insurance
FEMA NFIP: Insurance Forms
FEMA NFIP: How to Change my Flood Zone Designation
FEMA NFIP: Status of Map Change Requests
Lee County Flood Mapping: Helpful Sources of Information
List of Surveyors and Surveying Businesses in the area
New 2019 Elevation Certificate form and instructions (Download to view)