Discussion and direction to staff regarding a request from the Trust for Public Lands for the City to participate in a grant application to the U.S. Department of Transportation for RAISE Funds for Seminole Gulf Railway property acquisition for the Bonita Estero Rail Trail (BERT) project.
The Trust for Public Lands (TPL) is proposing to partner with the City and the Village of Estero to submit a grant application to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) for a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant. RAISE has set a maximum grant award at $25 million with a due date to submit application no later than January 30, 2025.
The Trust for Public Lands wishes to utilize the services of a consultant to prepare the application. Currently, the Village of Estero and Friends of BERT have each committed $5,000.00 towards the consulting fees. The Trust for Public Lands is requesting the City provide a $5,000.00 contribution towards the consulting fee.
The Trust for Public Lands would like the applicants (City of Bonita Springs and Village of Estero) to apply for the maximum permitted request of $25 million which will require a non-federal match. They have requested a pledge of 5.0 million matching funds from the City. City staff is seeking direction from Council regarding the requests to participate as a co-applicant, providing the $5,000.00 contribution towards consulting fees and committing $5 million in match funds for the RAISE grant application.