City Council approved moving a draft ordinance, authorizing the lease of real property known as Imperial Crossing in the Old 41 Downtown; and providing for an effective date, to a second reading in September.

On May 28, 2021, Barron Collier Companies submitted an unsolicited letter of interest to enter into an agreement to design and construct public recreational and civic facilities under a long term commercial and residential land lease in public-private partnership with the City on Imperial Crossing (Bamboo) parcels in Downtown Bonita. The City received letters of interest from three parties and ultimately selected the proposal from Barron Collier Companies.
Section 27 of the City Charter requires the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the conveyance or lease of city real property more than $15,000 in value. A final agreement covering all lease terms will be available and was approved by the Council for the second reading of this ordinance.