The City received U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding for the Imperial Bonita Estates/Quinn/Downs/Dean West of Imperial Parkway Drainage Program. City Council approved the $11,021,919 agreement on June 17, 2020, with a fully executed agreement received from FDEO on July 8, 2020. Amendment #1 was approved by City Council on May 19, 2021. The changes in Amendment #1 reflected a new FDEO contact person and other policy and program requirements including budget development and revised activity work plans. Amendment #2 shifted the grant funding source from CDBG-DR to CDBG-MIT Program (Community Development Block Grant – Mitigation). Moving the funding source provides the City with additional time to complete the project. All other terms, conditions and requirements remain the same. Amendment #3 replaces contract language referencing both the citizen complaints and program appeals process.